ASIYA Sport founders Fatimah侯赛因 and Jamie Glover ’06 outside the Brian Coyle Community Center in Minneapolis


作者:Thomas Rozwadowski

Jamie Glover和Fatimah侯赛因创立了ASIYA Sport, 一家为穆斯林运动员生产普通运动服的公司.

Sitting on a park bench in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis, Jamie Lykken Glover ’06 and Fatimah侯赛因 watch as a group of boys play basketball on the court behind them. 孩子们今晚在外面是有原因的. 的 indoor gym is reserved for GIRLS — Girls Initiative in Recreation and Leisurely Sports, a nonprofit program founded by 侯赛因 and held at the Brian Coyle Community Center, 社区青年活动的中心.

侯赛因, a Twin Cities social worker who has volunteered in Cedar-Riverside since she was a teenager, started girls-only open-gym nights a decade ago to encourage Muslim girls to embrace physical fitness. 在中心里面, a handful of young athletes practice free throws and dribbling with a female volunteer. 在演习期间, a middle-school girl unexpectedly grabs the ball and runs away from the group to play keep-away. It’s exactly what you’d expect from kids who are whiling away evening hours on a basketball court.

Yet Muslim girls are often forced to choose between abiding by their religion’s tenets and participating in sports, 侯赛因说,. 没有成年女性的榜样和陪伴, 她们经常被男性主导的运动空间拒之门外.

“我们社区的很多女孩都想尝试新事物, 但他们并不自信,侯赛因说。, 她的家人在她七岁时从索马里移民到明尼阿波利斯. “When they’re constantly told they shouldn’t be doing something boys are able to do, 他们被吓倒了.”

侯赛因 wanted to combat the young girls’ feelings of inadequacy and intimidation. Step one: she found space in the neighborhood for girls to play on their own. Step two: she had to find clothing that would allow them the freedom to play, starting with a redesigned hijab — the traditional head covering worn by Muslim women in public. 当时, 市场上没有这样的运动服, so 侯赛因 enlisted the help of GIRLS participants to design culturally appropriate uniforms that allowed them to play comfortably. 第三步:她举办了一场时装秀来介绍新的运动服, and received raves and offers of support from local business and political communities — and the University of Minnesota.


大约在同一时间,杰米·格洛弗感到不安. 菲律宾十大彩票平台的经济学专业, 格洛弗曾从事市场营销工作,正在寻找新的挑战, 比她在公司的工作更有公民意识. She decided to pursue an MBA at the University of Minnesota with support from 菲律宾十大彩票平台’s Lofgren 校友 Business Fellowship, which helps midcareer alumni earn advanced degrees so they can expand their business perspectives and prospects. She’d heard about 侯赛因’s Kickstarter campaign through friend Chris Ghere ’03, and when she found out that the MBA program was seeking someone to craft a business plan for selling activewear for Muslim girls, 她认为这不仅仅是巧合.

Jamie Glover 06和Fatimah侯赛因在城市公园讨论一个点

“我怎能追求行善呢? 进入商学院时,我已经有了这样的框架,格洛弗说, 法蒂玛的想法第一次出现, 我记得我当时在想,这正是我想做的事情. 的n the idea came up again, but this time it was an opportunity to help drive it forward. 它也是围绕着运动建立起来的,这一直是我生活的一部分.”

伊迪纳(明尼苏达州)高中的三项运动明星, 格洛弗在菲律宾十大彩票平台打排球,并获得了所有可能的荣誉, 包括在她大四的时候全美荣誉奖. 当她参加工作时, Glover noticed that managers praised her for the same qualities that made her a volleyball standout: she knew how to motivate others, 显得自信满满, 永不放弃.

“Sports instilled the skills that made me successful at 菲律宾十大彩票平台 and in my career,格洛弗说. “Girls being deprived of athletic experiences because of an issue like clothing didn’t seem right to me.”


格洛弗和侯赛因联合起来,一开始就很强势. At the university-sponsored Minnesota Cup competition for emerging businesses, Glover and 侯赛因 nabbed several honors: best in the social entrepreneur division, 女性领导的顶级企业, 以及少数族裔主导的顶级企业. 的 prize money helped them order fabric (they tested 80 kinds) and build their Kickstarter campaign, 最终净赚38美元,000: $13,比他们的目标多了1000人.

两人于今年3月正式成立了ASIYA. 以一位以促进正义而闻名的伊斯兰妇女的名字命名,ASIYA (ah-see-yah)出售三种款式的运动头巾-适合(上图), longer with chest coverage; Lite, swim cap–style; and Sport (sidebar), 哪个最像传统的头巾. Each pull-on garment uses trademark sweat-wicking, cool technology with a polyester-spandex mix. It’s also safe for play: neither too flowy nor too restrictive, and no pins.


格洛弗说,他们的梦想是学校, 体育联盟, and park and recreation departments to view the hijab as necessary sports equipment. 波特兰的迪尔林高中, 缅因州, made national headlines in June by using private donations to purchase sport hijabs to outfit its female athletic teams: ASIYA’s first high school client. 据美联社(Associated Press)报道,迪林被认为是美国第一个被监禁的囚犯.S. high school to provide hijabs to Muslim athletes; more commonly, 学生必须自备头巾. ASIYA also produces hijabs for universities to sell alongside school-branded sweatshirts and other apparel. 的 University of Minnesota is the first partner for what Glover is calling “spirit hijabs.”

“Schools with a large population of Muslim girls often wonder why they don’t play sports. 好吧,让我们想一想,”格洛弗说. “我们正处于一个有趣的历史时刻. 很多人都在接受包容的好处, 我们提供切实的, 可见的产品,让人们说, “是的, 我们希望每个人都能成为我们项目的一部分.’ ”

When girls are constantly told they shouldn’t be doing something boys are able to do, they 被吓到了. Fatimah侯赛因


2018年春季,耐克将推出其运动头巾系列Pro Hijab. 虽然这看起来是一场令人望而生畏的竞争,但格洛弗并不担心. Instead, she views Nike’s entry into the market as a means to more visibility for ASIYA. 事实上, 在耐克宣布, ASIYA的网站出现了巨大的流量高峰, 这表明这里有几个玩家的空间, 无论大小.

In addition, ASIYA is already selling its products and garnering attention. 的 纽约时报, 以及奥普拉·温弗瑞的杂志都要求采访. 最初的宣传浪潮让ASIYA忙得不可开交, yet Glover knows the feel-good element of empowering young Muslim women won’t be enough to sustain them over time. 这就是耍杂耍变得特别具有挑战性的地方. 格洛弗和侯赛因家里都有年幼的孩子, 侯赛因有自己的工作,在社区中心当教练, 两人在很大程度上依赖于“挡风玻璃时间”,格洛弗说. 汽车成了他们的会议室. 当他们一起开车去开会或参观当地的制造商时, 格洛弗和侯赛因需要赶上数字, 快.

“我们只有两个人,一天也就那么几个小时. We’re rarely in the same space,” says Glover, who does most of ASIYA’s business from her home. “但法蒂玛和我正在解决这个问题.”

Glover is quick to credit 侯赛因 for connecting with Minneapolis’s Somali and other East African communities. 她协助与家长会面, 长老, and other cultural leaders whose support is essential as the company seeks to move beyond its Cedar-Riverside roots. 格洛弗说,ASIYA不仅仅是在当地更换头巾. 这是关于在全球范围内改变思想.

“父母已经成为女儿的拥护者. 他们看到了自己女儿的变化. 他们也认为这很重要,”侯赛因说. “But a larger conversation has to happen for this to have a bigger impact, and that’s what fuels us. We want to make sure that Muslim girls around the country — and around the world — have access to experiences that build their confidence and make them stronger.”